Optical Easy requires when processing your data; and most importantly, we will respect your privacy and handle your personal data appropriately.    The personal data we retain will only be used to provide you with Optical Easy's products, promotions or services. Otherwise, Optical Easy will not disclose your personal information to any third party.    When you use our website, you consent to the collection and use of your personal data as described in our privacy policy set out above.    When the entrusted completes the online membership registration, it means that he has read and understood in detail and agreed to accept the contents of this "Personal Information Collection Statement".

Personal Information Collection Statement

1. General
This Privacy Policy sets out the policies of Draco Optical Limited & Optical Easy Limited (“We”, “us”, “our” or “Company”) in the collection,
use, sharing and protection of customer’s personal information. We may update or changes this policy at any time as deemed required.
2. Collections of Customer’s Personal Information
a) For the purpose of carrying on our business (including sales, provision and advertisements of our products and services, we will collect your
personal information when you:
i. Redeem our free services and gifts (through telephone, online channels, our stores or authorized dealers or agents);
ii. Purchase our products and services (through telephone, online channels, our stores or authorized dealers or agents);
iii. Participate in our VIP Membership Program;
iv. Take part in any promotions, competitions or prize draws (through our stores, telephone, online channels or our authorized dealers or agents);
v. Inquire information about beauty product or services from us;
vi. Contact us with an inquiry or complaint;
vii. Visit or browse our website
b) We may also collect information about you from other organizations including credit information or joint bureau necessary to establish and
support of any products and services being requested by you.
3. Types of Personal Data Collected
a) For the purpose of carrying on our business(including sales of our related products and services, registration of VIP Membership Program, the
information that we collect includes, but is not limited to the following items:
i. Conduct details (Including the name of contact person and mobile telephone number, email address and correspondence address);
ii. Your date of birth;
iii. Information for verification of your identity (including identification type and number);
iv. Your age group, marital status, occupation, education level, monthly income, VIP grading;
v. Your preference of receiving our information from us (including promotions and events);
vi. The channel(s) you receive our information;
vii. A email or letter you send to us; and other records of contact you have with us;
viii. Your purchase and consumption record of related products and SPA treatments.
4. Use of Customer’s Personal Information
We may use and analyze your information for the following purposes including (but not limited to):
i. Daily operation of products and services provided to customers;
ii. Introducing the suitable products and services;
iii. Keeping you updated of our latest offers or promotions;
iv. Providing the latest information related to the rewards scheme in VIP Membership Program, occasional promotions, birthday privileges;
v. Products, services information and promotions offered by our business partners;
vi. Carrying out research, statistical analysis and monitoring customer’s use of our products & services;
vii. Assisting us in fraud and crime prevention;
viii. Contacting you if necessary
ix. Invoicing for our services
5. Retention of Personal Data
To protect our customers and our interest, any personal data involved in sales, use and promotion shall be held and be destroyed in accordance
with our internal policy. Personal data will only be retained for as long as we need it unless the personal data is also retained for the purpose of
investigation, detection and prosecution of crime.
6. Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data
All personal data held by us will be kept confidential but we may disclose to the following parties:
i. Any banking or financial institutions, change or credit card issuing companies;
ii. Professional advisers (which shall include lawyers and auditors);
iii. External services providers (including but not limited to mailing houses, redemption centers, telemarketing and direct sales agents, call centers,
data processing companies and information technology companies) that we engage for the purposes set out in paragraph 4.
7. Security of Personal Data
a) We have adequate measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, accidental loss or destruction.
b) If we have a contract with another third party or organizations to provide a services on its behalf, we will ensure they have appropriate security
measures and only process your information as we have authorize. Those organizations to make sure that they are meeting the security
requirements set by us.
8. Your Privacy Rights
a) In accordance with the terms of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (“the Ordinance”) and subject to exemptions specified in the Ordinance,
any customers:
i. has the right to check whether we had personal data about him or her;
ii. has the right to require us to correct any personal data relating to him or her which is inaccurate; and
iii. has right to ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and to be informed of the kind of personal data held by us
b) In accordance with the terms of the Ordinance, we have the right to charge a reasonable fee for processing of data access required.
c) Request for access to personal data, correction of personal data and information relating to the kind being held and to stop receiving or re-start
receiving direct marketing, may be made in writing by whats app to +852 63837181 . Please identify with your name and contact number.